The World Book Encyclopedia : D (Vol. 5 )

Hijau  [ Browse Items ]
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The World Book Encyclopedia 2011 Spinescape® presents information in an accessible, usable form that promotes learning. World Book is designed to meet the reference needs of students from elementary school through high school. The encyclopedia can be used by college students for review and reinforcement and also serves as a family reference source. The 22-volume World Book Encyclopedia 2011 covers all fields of learning. It is organized so that readers may quickly find the information they are seeking. The encyclopedia is made easy to use through an alphabetical arrangement of articles and entry cross-references, a carefully designed format, and a comprehensive index. The World Book Encyclopedia 2011 presents information in a clear, direct style that makes it easy to use as a reference source. More than 25,000 rich photographs and illustrations combine with the text to deliver additional information and promote visual learning. A revised edition of World Book Encyclopedia 2011 is published each year. Every subject area is under continuing surveillance. Thousands of new and revised articles in each edition provide reliable and current information. Revisions are made throughout the set, across all topics. The annual revision program is never confined to a single area or to certain volumes. This outstanding reference source engages more than 4,000 scholars and experts as contributors, reviewers, and consultants. These experts help ensure that articles are understandable and accurate; that they reflect current scholarship; and that they promote learning by correlating to state and provincial curriculum and achievement standards. - from Amzon 
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